״נחמה׳ס תוכן״

דער כוח פון שפראך
A Reflection

Religion is a metaphor, and survival is the נמשל.

Some take religion literal and sacrifice themselves for it,

Some take it literal and sacrifice others for it,

And most don't take it literal but playfully,
and become the sword with which the others are sacrificed with.
oh my goodness
דעיס שטעכט ווי א שווערד
וז"ל ליקוטי מוהר"ן תורה ח'

א. הנה יקר גנוחי ונה (שקורין קרעכץ) מאיש ישראלי, כי הוא שלמות החסרונות וכו', נמצא, כי עקר חיות כל הדברים הוא בבחינת רוח; וכשיש חסרון באיזה דבר, עיקר החסרון הוא בבחינת החיות של אותו הדבר, שהוא בחינת הרוח חיים של אותו הדבר, לאשר הרוח הוא המקים הדבר. והאנחה הוא אריכת הנשימה, והוא בבחינת "ארך אפים", דהינו מאריך רוחה. ועל כן כשמתאנח על החסרון ומאריך רוחה, הוא ממשיך רוח החיים להחסרון, כי עקר החסרון הוא הסתלקות הרוח חיים כנ"ל, ועל כן על ידי האנחה משלים החסרון.
לעצט רעדאגירט:
In life there's no better witness than the person himself, the "outside" witness is only an observer, but the person himself is not only an observer, but he's the observer and the observed at the same time, which makes him the quintessential witness.
In a sense the body hauls life, meaning it's the vehicle to experience life
So when a person is born or dies, he (life...), he is experiencing life getting into the vehicle and getting out of the vehicle, as opposed to the driver (the outside observer) only sees the fixed status of the observed either inside the vehicle or not.
Being the observer and the observed turns dying into an infinite experience and same for birth, as life is experiencing itself traveling between different realms so a dead body is never anything else besides for dead only, because
ארון נושא את נושאיו,
as opposed to the outside witness,
Which appears as only as the vehicle of
חי נושא את עצמו ולא מת נושא את עצמו
because the person is the experience of the observation itself, also being the observer himself, plus the observed, so the dead body is never anything else "because" it is everything, something the person himself is witnessing and having an infinite experience, which is the same experience as physical life just in a broader form
לעצט רעדאגירט:
וז"ל ליקוטי מוהר"ו תורה ח'

א. הנה יקר גנוחי ונה (שקורין קרעכץ) מאיש ישראלי, כי הוא שלמות החסרונות וכו', נמצא, כי עקר חיות כל הדברים הוא בבחינת רוח; וכשיש חסרון באיזה דבר, עיקר החסרון הוא בבחינת החיות של אותו הדבר, שהוא בחינת הרוח חיים של אותו הדבר, לאשר הרוח הוא המקים הדבר. והאנחה הוא אריכת הנשימה, והוא בבחינת "ארך אפים", דהינו מאריך רוחה. ועל כן כשמתאנח על החסרון ומאריך רוחה, הוא ממשיך רוח החיים להחסרון, כי עקר החסרון הוא הסתלקות הרוח חיים כנ"ל, ועל כן על ידי האנחה משלים החסרון.
I wrote this just a few minutes ago.I see a relationship. I hope you do as well.

In this theory.

Mental strain is a result of personal history embedded in time.
Within a lot of past,

But contracted by the present moment.

Presence behaves like a prison for history.

The present moment is a blessing,
Provided that body space is fully claimed within identification of self.

And also, if the entire body space is proportionately engaged in handling and processing the moment.

Otherwise, one of the potential imbalances,
Might be that the present becomes a persecutor of the past.
In life there's no better witness than the person himself, the "outside" witness is only an observer, but the person himself is not only an observer, but he's the observer and the observed at the same time, which makes him the quintessential witness.
In a sense the body hauls life, meaning it's the vehicle to experience life
So when a person is born or dies, he (life...), he is experiencing life getting into the vehicle and getting out of the vehicle, as opposed to the driver (the outside observer) only sees the fixed status of the observed either inside the vehicle or not.
Being the observer and the observed turns dying into an infinite experience and same for birth, as life is experiencing itself traveling between different realms so a dead body is never anything else besides for dead only because
ארון נושא את נושאיו,
as opposed to the outside witness,
Which appears as only as the vehicle of
חי נושא את עצמו ולא מת נושא את עצמו
because the person is the experience of the observation itself, also being the observer himself, plus the observed, so the dead body is never anything else "because" it is everything, something the person himself is witnessing and having an infinite experience, which is the same experience as physical life just in a different form
.I don't experience this view.
.I don't experience this view.
But only because you can not comprehend
Death while being alive

But the transfer between the two can be comprehended because it's a contrast and contrast needs two I dividual states that are against each other, so each have the basis and the deviation of the basis so there has to be an experience that witnesses the change

Not experience of an experience is an
experience of itself

You're experiencing the current experience
now, not the unconscious experience

So death and birth are experienced in their own consciousnesses at that experience

So no experience is ruled out
because limiting the experience to the current is in itself the experience of a broader experience inexperienced in full
לעצט רעדאגירט:
  • לייק
רעאקציעס: Lio