
אפשר קען זיין אז עס איז דא 20% מער פרויען טיקעטס? ווער זאגט דיך אז עס איז געווען 50-50?
I'm in the field of Shiduchim myself and the way the field works is that the women are more hesitant than men to go to such a gathering. It's therefore very difficult to believe that they should Lekatchila set it up with a plan in mind to bring more women.
I'm in the field of Shiduchim myself and the way the field works is that the women are more hesitant than men to go to such a gathering. It's therefore very difficult to believe that they should Lekatchila set it up with a plan in mind to bring more women.
Why can’t it be possible
that this was actually the strategy
to address the fear of women
and to help them feel assured
that this isn’t a place to be exploited
harassed and deeply disappointed
I hear what you say, but what would be the reason they should bring more females than males. Even if they put a focus on making the females feel comfortable, that's still not a reason to bring more females than males.

In other words, why should we use unlikely explanations to justify an unlikely claim which has no source?
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